El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos
Por Luisa Fernanda Montero

    Cuando familias enteras se ven obligadas a abandonar lo que han construido con el fruto de su trabajo honesto, para emprender un viaje incierto, algo anda mal.

    Cuando los niños se enfrentan al temor de verse separados de sus padres y sienten que sus derechos no cuentan, algo anda mal.

Lincoln Acres Library Hosts Annual Celebration of Life in Honor of Staff Member

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; In Tea Party Republican Arizona, teaching Mexican American history is illegal because that history is purportedly “un-American” and foments the “overthrow of the government.”</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The shamelessness of people who rally under the Confederate flag—a flag of treason, whose adherents renounced their U.S. citizenship, declared war on our country, and actually tried to overthrow our government!—claiming our history is “un-American” is breathtaking.</p>