mayor's race


When this special election first began, and while several candidates had announced their intent to run, David Alvarez was contemplating his chances of becoming the next mayor of San Diego. Kevin Faulconer and Nathan Fletcher were in the race and considered the frontrunners.

<p>Si le preguntas, Juan Ortiz te dirá que rara vez vota en las elecciones locales.</p>
<p>Pero ahora que dos de los candi-datos en la elección especial para alcalde de la Ciudad de San Diego son latinos, dijo que definitivamente va a salir a las urnas el 19 de noviembre.</p>
<p>“Tenemos que representar, ¿verdad?”, dijo Ortiz cerca de Chicano Park esta semana, en el corazón de Barrio Logan.</p>


What gives politics a bad name? It is the politicians. A good example of this was just this past week when several Latino elected “leaders” endorsed Nathan Fletcher for mayor! The assumption being that because these are Latino “leaders” Fletcher is the best choice to represent the Hispanic community!

As we read the press release, we found ourselves scratching our heads as we tried to recall exactly what Fletcher has done in the past that would recommend him as the best choice for the Hispanic community. Frankly, we couldn’t come up with much.