Ben Hueso

<h6>Pictured: City Attorney Mara Elliott<br>
Photo credit: Adriana Heldiz / Voice of San Diego</h6>
<p>A local taxpayer advocacy group won its case and nearly $90,000 in legal fees against the City of San Diego related to the City Attorney’s failed attempt to amend state laws to make it more difficult for the public and media to access public records.</p>


What gives politics a bad name? It is the politicians. A good example of this was just this past week when several Latino elected “leaders” endorsed Nathan Fletcher for mayor! The assumption being that because these are Latino “leaders” Fletcher is the best choice to represent the Hispanic community!

As we read the press release, we found ourselves scratching our heads as we tried to recall exactly what Fletcher has done in the past that would recommend him as the best choice for the Hispanic community. Frankly, we couldn’t come up with much.