City of National City Offers  Six $1,000 Scholarships Made Through Funds Provided by American Medical Response


35 years ago when La Prensa San Diego first started publishing, one of our main goals was to influence and improve the education of our children. Without an educated community none of the problems which plague our community would improve. Crime, unemployment, poverty, ghettos, drugs, political persecution, and economic disadvantages would doom Hispanics to second class citizenry unless the community committed to education.

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Last week, I documented the dismal statistics regarding Latino student achievement in the San Diego Unified School District:&nbsp;</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; · Nearly one-third of Latino students did not pass the California High School Exit Exam in English last year, and one-fourth did not pass the Exit Exam in math.&nbsp;</p>

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; There was something unseemly about that gathering of college-age Americans outside the White House just before midnight on Sunday, cheering at the news of Osama bin Laden’s death. Some of the kids had draped flags over their shoulders; they chanted “USA, USA, USA.” I doubt there was a true patriot in the bunch.</p>

By: Jose Apolinar Olivera

   Few issues spark as much anger and propaganda as the issue of immigration reform. Unlike many other issues, views on immigration reform do not fall neatly into party lines or even racial lines.

   Regardless of one’s view on the issue, we can agree that the debate around immigration reform should be based on fact, not fiction.

<p>(Family Features) Start Mother’s Day off right with a beautiful breakfast in bed. A pretty tray set with some of the good dishes and real linens, a fresh flower, and some delicious food will put a smile on mom’s face that will last all day.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Golden Sunrise French Toast</strong> is made extra special with evaporated milk and a splash of vanilla extract. Make sure you use firm bread so the toast doesn’t end up soggy.</p>