<p>&nbsp;Muchas familias aprovecharon el receso escolar para tomar un descanso y salir de la rutina diaria, pero si tú aun no lo has hecho no te desanimes, todavía hay tiempo y existen muchas formas de darle a toda la familia unas buenas vacaciones sin afectar nuestra economía.</p>

Critters and Cocktails Coming to Chula Vista Nature Center

 Furry friends from around the globe have decided to cool off this summer with a Critters and Cocktails evening soiree at the Chula Vista Nature Center Thursday, Aug. 13, from 6 to 8 p.m. Sea World and Busch Gardens Animal Ambassador Julie Scardina will entertain the crowds with her exotic animals, complete with upclose personal interactions and eye-opening education. 

<div><span style="font-size: medium;"><a class="highslide" onclick="return vz.expand(this)" href="/sites/default/files/2009/07/P6250159.JPG"></a>The realities of social media and sexting messages among teens</span></div>
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<p>Scripps Howard Foundation Wire</p>
<p>WASHINGTON – The final action of the Senate Judiciary Committee in the Supreme Court confirmation process – its Tuesday 13-6 favorable vote – drew smaller crowds than the confirmation hearings two weeks ago.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Rather than sitting at an imposingly high table at the far side of the room, the 19 committee members sat in the middle of the room, while voting to move Judge Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination to the full Senate for a vote.</p>