<p>&nbsp;Definitivamente a la democracia es muy difícil de entenderla. Algunos periodistas, locutores de radio y reporteros de la televisión –especialmente un comentarista de Univisión que se cree el alma de los latinos— pecan por mirar a la democracia en forma superficial y sufren de una miopía política generada por su falta de entendimiento a cuestiones enteramente jurídicas y teóricas.</p>

<p>&nbsp;En Estados Unidos lo que cuenta no es el peso del voto de cada individuo. Lo que en realidad cuenta son los pesos y los votos.</p>

</strong>&nbsp;<strong>Dear Mexican: The mainstream media is making big noise of Sonia Sotomayor likely being the first Latina Supreme Court justice, and that all Latinos should be proud. But Puerto Rican ain’t Mexican! The Supreme Court won’t have a shade of brown until a Mexican is among Roberts and Scalia. What does the Mexican think of Sotomayor’s nomination and likely appointment?</strong></p>

<p>&nbsp;Colombian Singer Tati accepts she’s a shy girl, especially when she had to film sensual scenes for the video of her song Ámame.</p>
<p>&nbsp;“I couldn’t concentrate,” said Tati, laughing, a few days ago when she visited San Diego to promote her debut álbum, El latido de mi corazón. “I met the model actor that same day, and I had to pretend I was in love with him, to capture the song’s essence. “It was really hard to shoot the video!”</p>