The Escondido Public Library Endowment Foundation (ELEF) and the Downtown Business Association will present an evening of food, fun and Cuban/Latin jazz on Saturday, August 8, 2009 to benefit library operations. The outdoor concert will take place from 5:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. at the corner of Kalmia and Grand Avenues in downtown Escondido.

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<p>&nbsp;The high school wrestling season won’t began again until November, but that is no excuse for Olympian High’s two-time Masters wrestler, Victor Viesca to start goofing off. Instead you will find Viesca most Tuesday’s working out on the weights, on the mat or both.</p>

<p>&nbsp;Ayer me cayó un e-mail, el forward del forward del forward de un par de centenares de personas, advirtiendo sobre una campaña de la derecha que consiste en reunir firmas para enviárselas al presidente Barack Obama oponiéndose a que se le de acceso a los beneficios del Seguro Social a los inmigrantes indocumentados, “tal como lo votó el Senado esta semana”.</p>

<p>&nbsp;Amid budget cuts to public education, there were at least some good news when the two major school districts in the South Bay began classes on Monday, July 27.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Both the Sweetwater Union High School District and the Chula Vista Elementary School District, which between the two have about 70,000 students, didn’t lay-off any full-time regular teachers for the 2009-2010 academic year.</p>