<p><strong><em>Editors Note:</em></strong><em> For two weeks, Katia Lopez-Hodoyan volunteered in Cape Town, South Africa in a program offered through Southwestern Community College. The goal is to help underprivileged children with their education. But as days passed it was the reporter who learned more than she expected….</em></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; It happens once every four years and every time the World Cup comes around intense excitement seem to burst around the globe.</p>

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Has Brazil’s soccer team betrayed the beautiful game?</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; That’s the question on the minds of many soccer fans as they watch Brazil’s talent-studded squad under-whelm — even as they win — in the World Cup.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; or “play beautifully.” That Portuguese phrase has become conflated with the essence of Brazil’s usual soccer style: poetry in motion.</p>


America had valuable assistant from heroes like Juan de Miralles during War of Independence

By Andy Porras  

    That U. S. history ignores Hispanics’ role in the U.S. War of Independence is no great secret.

    What it is, though, is downright disrespectful to millions of America’s Spanish-surnamed who have passed on not knowing of their ancestors’ tremendous sacrifices for this nation.

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p><strong>PHOENIX</strong><strong>, Ariz</strong> — The U.S. Supreme Court agreed on Monday to review a controversial Arizona statute aimed at imposing severe sanctions on employers who knowingly hire undocumented immigrant workers. This law has already set precedence for similar local legislation being passed in other states across the country.</p>

Juan Vargas is clinging to a 12-vote lead over Assemblywoman Mary Salas, but there are still 12,500 disputed ballots in Riverside County that have not been counted — and may not ever be counted.Erica Felci reports it is unknown how many of those ballots, if any, are within SD 40.

“The Riverside County Democratic Party will ask a judge today to stop the county registrar from certifying the June 8 election results and demand the 12,500-plus late-arriving ballots get counted.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Posted by Jim Sills
Reprinted from San Diego Rostra (http://sdrostra.com)

Completing an astonishing week-long comeback , Juan Vargas today claimed the LEAD over rival Mary Salas in their classic 40th district Democratic primary.

 San Diego’s Registrar posted new results minutes ago.  No updates yet today in Riverside or Imperial counties.

 The new overall totals for the three-county district are…. Vargas….24,079…. Salas…. 24,073.