Just may be the spark for a Constitution Convention


According to the State consti-tution, California lawmakers are supposed to have a state budget in place by June 15. And like clockwork the lawmakers let the deadline pass without much notice. So once again the gamesmanship between Republicans, Democrats and the Governor gets under way. While this game is played out, the middle class, the dependent, and the poor will, bear the brunt of suffering through this budget debacle.

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Abel Moreno can’t forget the day last December when he and his girlfriend were pulled over by Officer Marcus Jackson.&nbsp; After ordering them from the car, the Charlotte cop fondled Moreno’s girlfriend and arrested Moreno when he intervened. The department fired Jackson and charged him with sexually assaulting six women – including Moreno’s girlfriend – all while on duty.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; La migración de un país a otro se da por diferentes motivos. Puede ser por cuestiones políticas o económicas. Los fenómenos naturales, como un terremoto, una inundación o la erupción de un volcán, pueden ser también elementos que afectan el movimiento de personas de un lado para el otro.</p>

   We’re finally # 1! Latinos are now considered the most discriminated group in the United States. So says an AP-Univisión-GfK poll that examined bigotry in America.

México del Norte Por Jorge Mújica Murias     Como ahora dicen que Read more…