<p>Tras 10 meses de actividad, un operativo contra el robo de vehículos y otras actividades ilícitas en el Condado de San Diego ya ha dejado 42 acusaciones ante el gran jurado, esto de acuerdo con la Oficina Fiscal del Condado de San Diego.<br>
La operación en cubierto, realizada por el Equipo Regional Contra el Robo Vehicular (RATT, por sus siglas en inglés), en cooperación con varias agencias de la ley locales y la Agencia Federal de Alcohol, Tabaco, y Armas de Fuego (ATF, por sus siglas en inglés).<br>

<p>A 10-month crackdown on vehicle theft and other illicit activities in San Diego County has yielded 42 grand jury indictments according to the &nbsp;San Diego County District Attorney’s Office.</p>
<p>The Undercover operation was conducted by the Regional Auto Theft Team (RATT), in cooperation with several local law enforcement agencies and and the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms.</p>

<p>Los tres candidatos que buscan el puesto de superintendente de Southwestern College presentaron un foro de una hora cada uno, en el campus de Chula Vista, este miércoles 30 de noviembre.</p>
<p>Los tres finalistas son la Dra. Kindred Murillo, superintendente/presidenta de Lake Tahoe Community College; la Dra. Reagan Romali, presidenta de Harry S. Truman College en Chicago; y la Dra. Angélica Suárez, vicepresidenta de Asuntos Estudiantiles en Southwestern College.</p>

<p>The three remaining candidates seeking &nbsp;Southwestern College’s superintendency held an hour-long open forum each at the Chula Vista campus, on Wednesday, November 30.</p>
<p>The three finalists are: Dr. Kindred Murillo, Superintendent and President of Lake Tahoe Community College; Dr. Reagan Romali, President of Harry S. Truman College in Chicago; and Dr. Angelica Suarez, Vice President for Student Affairs at Southwestern College.</p>

<p>Born in Puerto Rico, Jose Cruz immigrated to the United States with his mother and his brother in search of a better life when he was just three years old.<br>
Although he was an American citizen, having been born in Puerto Rico, Jose didn’t speak English when he arrived to San Diego. This situation made him feel like he didn’t belong in the community. That experience was what inspired him to one day become the executive director of Barrio Logan College Institute (BLCI).<br>

<p>Pese a que California ya ha aprobado un aumento gradual del salario mínimo, trabajadores de distintos rubros exigen que éste se de manera inmediata y no tener que esperar hasta 2022.</p>
<p>Esta semana, cientos de trabajadores y líderes comunitarios en San Diego se unieron a una acción nacional del movimiento La Lucha por $15 (Fight for $15) para exigir justicia económica.</p>

<p>The New Americans Museum reported the appearance of anti-immigrant messages on two signs promoting a Mexican culture exhibit that that has been on display since October.</p>
<p>In the middle of the day, and in plain sight, someone wrote “Too much Immigration! Go back to your country. This one is ours!” and “Overpopulation and crowding by immigration!” in what museum representatives are calling a hate crime.</p>

<p>Caltrans y SANDAG, junto a líderes locales y estatales, dieron arranque a las obras de construcción de la primera fase del Programa de la Carretera de la Costa Norte. El programa a 40 años tiene un valor estimado de 6 mil millones de dólares y busca mejorar el &nbsp;tránsito y el medio ambiente sobre el Interestatal 5 entre Solana Beach y Carlsbad.</p>